Realize the Mind and realize the functions of the Mind, which is essential to create the phenomenon we want.
Life’s problems do not come about or disappear based on your wishes. Instead, they are determined by the thoughts that occupy your mind.
Each thought you have is a tool with which to create wholesomeness in life.
You are the Mind, and you have the ability to give rise to thoughts and functions. You have the ability to change the course of your life and fullfill your trues aspiration.
The Mind is by nature pure and free, so there is no need to seek elsewhere. The only task for us is to discover it, understand it and live in it.
Everything in life changes from one moment to the next. If we recognize this impermanence and live with it, we will be able to change our thoughts and find fresh opportunities in moment.

About the Monastery
Vairocana Zen Monastery is located in Garden Grove, California, in the sunbelt of Orange County. The Monastery features a state-of-the-art Zen Hall that provides Zen practitioners an excellent place to meditate, as well as Zen gardens. Vairocana Zen Monastery was founded with the purpose of clarifying the essence of Zen’s Mind teaching through a variety of skillful means. The Monastery offers Zen-Three and Zen-Seven retreats, as well as classes in meditation. In response to the Monastery’s growing popularity, branches have also been established in nearby city of Arcadia, California and Mexico City, Mexico.

Master's Words
BOOKS At A Glance

牧牛圖十幀,步步出乾坤, 合祖無為道,返作人天尊。十牛圖乃禪門修證指南。古來牧牛之說不墜,牧牛之行持,祖祖相傳。禪宗所重,唯證究竟本性,方不負佛祖。但本來無形相,三藏浩瀚,縱知精進,欲入如來無門。佛以牧牛示人明路,祖師慈悲行願效之,導吾輩依牧牛知見而行,漸入自性清淨,再轉身入塵,慈悲度化有緣。 十牛圖是中國禪宗重要的祖師語錄,美國毗盧禪寺開山方丈 上妙下參和尚以多年禪宗教學的經驗,詳細剖析十牛圖當中每一個階段所代表的境界,以及在實際修證上如何對照自己的心境、勘驗自己的修行狀態,令學人能明確知悉修證的次第與進程,以提醒、勘驗、落實禪宗的知見與實踐。 本書謹訂於 9 月 1 日於各大書局正式出版發行,於博客來網路書局 即可訂購;期諸同參秉護法之願心,善加推廣本書,使之廣傳流布,接引有情共入毗盧性海。